Monday, September 12, 2016

Gaining Momentum

The estimated reading time for this post is 1 minute.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines momentum as “the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes”.

It turns out, Momentum is also a google extension I added this week.  When I was working with a teacher, he opened a new tab in chrome and it looked something like this:

I admit, initially, I was drawn to the simple greeting, “Good afternoon, Sarah”.  Who wouldn’t like a nice picture and a lovely greeting instead of internet advertisements?

Upon further scrutiny, the question and the immediate blank felt like a slap in the face.  What was my main focus for today?  I wanted to fill the blank line with so many things.  But I soon found out that I could only put ONE thing, my MAIN focus.  What was my main focus?  What was driving me and giving me momentum for that day?

Today marks the 3rd week of classes in RUSD, the honeymoon might be over for some. Now comes the real work.  We are committed to these students for the school year.  As the year progresses, there will be many things to do, but what will give you the strength you need each day?  So I ask, what is your momentum, what is your main focus for today?  What is the strength or force that enables you to continue to grow stronger or faster as time passes?  

In a few weeks when we are knee deep in the semester and school year, we will need to remember our main focus.  Take a moment and find your momentum.

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